Monday, Aug. 31, 1925


Sheik AH Abdel Razek doubts whether polygamy is an entirely good thing decreed of God.

Sheik Razek thinks the status of women under Mohammedan rule is disgraceful.

Moreover, Sheik Razek does not believe the Koran to be infallible. Even if the Koran be accepted as a code for personal conduct, it is not, says the Sheik, an adequate guide to modern statecraft. He considers that the Califate* has become corrupt, incompetent--essen tial cause of the backwardness of Islam.

Sheik Razek is a professor of religious jurisprudence in the famed Moslem University of Al Azhar, Cairo, heart of the orthodox heart of Islam And Sheik Razek is also crowned with dignity as Judge of the Mansura Mekhema Sharia (Religious Court).

Wherefore, his loose views were not to be tolerated. Summoned last week to appear before the Supreme Religious Council, he made his defense, was condemned, was sentenced to be ousted from his posts.

King Fuad of Egypt was widely petitioned to quash the proceedings, and is now being pressed to overrule the verdict.

It is believed that Judge Razek has strong following among the people, and may eventually defeat the ultra-orthodox Islamic Fundamentalists.

-The Calif is spiritual head of the Moslem world, has usually exercised supreme temporal power. In recent centuries the Calif has been Sultan of Turkey. In 1923, Kemal Pasha deposed the Sultan-Calif Mohammed VI, abolished the office of Sultan, made himself President of the Turkish Republic, elected one Abdul Medjid Effendi as Calif. Then, a few months later, Kemal exiled his Calif and abolished the Califate altogether, TIME, March 17, 1924). Immed- iately, throughout the Moslem world, there appeared claimants for the great title, the chief one being King Hussein of the Hedjaz. But, at the moment, the Califate cannot be said to exist.