Monday, Aug. 24, 1925
In India
COMMONWEALTH (British Commonwealth of Nations')
As indicated (TIME, June 29), the Pandit Motilal Nehru was elected leader of the Swarajist (Home Rule) Party in the place of C. R. Das, dead.
Mahatma Gandhi, referring to a Dominion Home Rule Bill taken to India by the famed theosophist, Dr. Annie Besant, asseverated:
"Let Birkenhead give public assurance that the bill has a chance to be accepted if it is indorsed by Pandit Motilal Nehru and any other he may name and I will undertake to obtain their signatures."
This is proof that Gandhi is still cooperating with the Swarajists; but whether the latter will cooperate with the Government, as they have tended recently to do, will have to wait over until Lord Reading (now in London) again takes up the duties of Viceroy. Just what the result of Lord Reading's conversations with Lord Birkenhead, Secretary for India, have been, and precisely how it will affect British policy in India, are matters now on the threshold of the known. Whatever they are, they cannot fail to be highly important to the political welfare of the Empire of India.