Monday, Aug. 24, 1925

Council Meeting

On Sept. 2, at Geneva, will begin the 35th meeting of the Council* of the League of Nations.

The agenda includes 22 subjects, the disputatious nature of which suggests that the meeting is likely to be important, long and perhaps stormy. The most important agenda: P: Consideration of the Mosul dispute concerning the boundary between Iraq and Turkey (TIME, Jan. 5, Aug. 10).

P: Consideration of the Polish-Danzig dispute concerning Polish rights in the Free City of Danzig (TIME, June 22).

P: Consideration of minority complaints. The Turks complain about treatment of their nationals in Thrace; the Hungarians of theirs in Transylvania; the Greeks of their in Constantinople; the Poles of theirs in Lithuania.

A large number of reports are due. They concern the opium agreement (TIME, Dec. 18, Feb. 2, Mar. 2 et seq.), traffic in arms (TIME, May 11 et seq.), slavery, mandates, transit, white slave traffic, economics, communications.

Owing to the fact that certain matters concern nations not having a seat on the Council, the following nations were invited to send representatives to the forthcoming meeting: Austria, Australia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland, Rumania, Turkey, Union of South Africa, Yugo-Slavia.

*This year's Council is made up of Britain, France, Italy, Japan (permanent members) ; Belgium, Brazil, Czecho-Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Uruguay (elected members).