Monday, Aug. 17, 1925
Great Teachers
Six hundred churches has the borough of Brooklyn, and six hundred preachers in their pulpits rising, every Sunday morning, preach like Henry Ward Beecher, and lead the good burghers in the way of salvation. So this holy borough is known as "The City of Churches." There are 105 books explaining why this is so. There is a list of famous preachers to justify it: Beecher himself. Lyman Abbott, Samuel Hanson Cox. and a score of others such as Farley, Loughlin, Carroll, Storrs, Davis, Littlejohn, Hall, Darlington, Talmage, Cuyler, Kinsolving.
And today, too, Brooklyn has her famed divines, and two of them recently went abroad, carrying the branch of Jesus, and the dove
Last week there sailed Dr. S. Parkes Cadman of the Central Congregational Church and President of the Federal Council of Churches He went to attend the World Conference of Protestant Churches in Stockholm.
His sermons, too, are famed; for he is a man both erudite--he reads one book through nearly every night in bed--and human His smile is merry. He has no cynicism in him. He has no use for pink tea preachers. His sermons by radio have gone far and wide. He looks upon preaching as a form of crusading.
"This is the first time in the history of the world that all the Protestant denominations are to get together," he explained before sailing. "It is the vanguard, in my opinion, of a great movement, a world-embracing gesture of the true spirit and faith to bind all nations and all religions. That there is a time coming when all Christian religions will be consolidated, I have not the least doubt.
"It may take centuries, it may happen within this century. But at present men are too ready to aggrandize the small differences between their respective creeds, minimizing the common belief and the common good, making a federation of churches impossible."
The other of them, Dr. Nehemiah Boynton, for many years (1907-1922) pastor of a Brooklyn church, was last week unanimously elected President of The World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches--to be held at Stockholm. In a colorful speech he recalled the fact that fundamental principles unite those who are seeking reconstruction of the world. He recalled the obligations resting on all Christians.