Monday, Aug. 10, 1925

At Northfield

Dwight L. Moody, famed evangelist, 43 years ago issued an invitation:

"To all ministers and laymen,

"And those women who are helpers and laborers with us in the kingdom and patience of our Lord Jesus Christ,

"And indeed all Christians who are hungering for intimate fellowship with God and for power to do his work. . . ."

He invited anyone who wanted to come, in short, to assemble at Northfield, Mass., to talk about the subjects that are now blocked out, in neat white letters, on the billboards of all the more progressive churches:

"Can a Man Be a Christian Today?"

"The Christian Task."

"Are you Prepared to Die?"

Every year since the issuance of this invitation, the Christians have met at Northfield. Last week Dr. Moody's son, William R. Moody, opened the 43rd Northfield General Conference of Christian Workers. Familiar topics were given a new illumination by the following churchmen: The Rev. John A. Hutton, D. D., of the Westminster Chapel, London; the Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick, D. D.; the Rev. James Reid, M. A., of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Eastbourne, Eng.; Dr. William Louis Poteat, President of Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C.; the Rev. W. Fearon Holiday of Selly Oak College, Birmingham, Eng., and Melvin E. Trotter, Superintendent of the City Mission, Grand Rapids, Mich.