Monday, Aug. 10, 1925

Stinnes Sale

The U. S. firm of Dillon, Read & Co. and the British firm of J. H. Schroder & Co. purchased for some $4,000,000 a large interest in the Deutsche Luxemburgische Gesellschaft, one of the largest industrial concerns which the late Herr Hugo Stinnes founded and one which, with the Gelsenkirchen, Bochumerverein and Siemens concerns--the so-called Rhine-Elbe Union--controls the output of German coal, coke, iron, steel.

Many of the Stinnes concerns are now being sold, owing to industrial depression following the Ruhr occupation and the operation of the Experts' Plan, and more particularly to quarrels between the two Stinnes sons (TIME, June 29) and the confusion in which their sire left his enormous and varied holdings.