Monday, Aug. 10, 1925

Reichstag Rumpus

For some time Communists have trumpeted their objections to certain tax measures which the Government was trying to rush through before the summer recess. Last week, their trumpetings approached in volume the noisiest efforts of a drove of riled elephants rocking themselves thunderously with rage.

The rumpus began when Count Westarp (Monarchist) announced that his party had instituted court proceedings against a Communist newspaper for accusing Monarchists of attending the Reichstag in a drunken condition. "This falsehood," said Count Westarp, "will be disproved." Thereupon, Deputy Hoellein, Communist leader, jumped to his feet, exclaimed: "You're a liar!" (Terrific applause from the Communists, followed by counter roars from the Monarchists.)

Hardly had quiet been restored than Vice President Graf (Monarchist), who was temporarily presiding over the session, stated that speeches on tax measures had been limited by a committee to 20 minutes each. The Communists (30 of them) protested. They had not been represented on the committee, therefore the ruling was invalid. Nevertheless the Reichstag passed it by an overwhelming majority.

At this the Communists, stung by the jeers of the Right, sprang on top of their desks, shouted torrents of insults. Many Socialists who had voted against the speech ruling joined the Communists and filled the Reichstag with their hoarse jabberings, answered by the angry dronings of the Monarchists. Herr Graef finally sought to end the racket; he ordering one Comrade Jadasch to leave the Chamber and suspended the sitting.

Ten minutes later the session was resumed. Herr Jadasch was still present. The Vice President suspended him for eight, then for 20 sittings. Still he refused to go. "Janitor," yelled Communists at Herr Graef, "bring in, your soldiers." At this point detectives were summoned, but they wisely refused to tackle 30 raging Communists without a few "green ones," as the uniformed Berlin police are called. Herr Hoellein, who had been exceedingly bumptious, yelled at Herr Graef: "Executioner!" For that he, too, was ordered expelled. Tempestuous yells greeted this sentence and the vituperative orgy of insults was resumed with maximum lung power.

The heavy tread of four armed policemen, accompanied timorously by ten detectives, arrested the tumult. Hoellein and Jadasch were dragged from their seats and escorted to the street, but not before the former had roused his remaining 28 comrades to cheers by yelling : "We yield to force only! We record the fact that the Government is passing its tax bills only with the help of the police!"