Monday, Jul. 27, 1925

Parliament's Week

House of Commons:

(P: Foreign Secretary Austen Chamberlain informed the House that, contrary reports notwithstanding, there was no crisis betwen Britain and Russia over anything.

(P: The Foreign Secretary's understudy, Mr. Ronald McNeill, stated that His Majesty's Government regretfully "found themselves unable to accede to the request that diplomatic status be accorded representatives of the customs division of the United States Treasury Department."

(P: For many weeks haggard M.P.'s have been hearing about it and invariably going out by the same door wherein they went. "It" was the Summer Time (daylight saving) Bill which, if passed by the Lords, will now make it permanently legal for the clock to be put ahead by one hour on the third Sunday in April and moved back on the first Sunday in October.