Monday, Jul. 20, 1925

Young Prexies

When Editor Glenn Frank of The Century, aged 38, and Dr. Clarence Cook Little, aged 37, were summoned to the presidencies of the University of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan, respectively (TIME, May 25, July 13), people said: "And such young men!"

Knowing well that a man needs no flowing patriarchal beard to be a college president and that the practice of appointing young men has been tried and proved in the U. S. long before now, The Detroit News last week, published a list of U. S. educators, past and present, and the ages at which they assumed presidential chairs:


29 John H. Finley Knox

33 Clarence C. Little Maine

34 Mark Hopkins Williams

35 Andrew D. White Cornell

35 Charles W. Eliot Harvard

35 Henry N. MacCracken Vassar

35 Marion LeRoy Burton Smith

36 Clarence C. Little Michigan

36 Harry W. Chase U. of N. C.

36 David F. Houston Texas Ag.

37 James B. Angell Vermont

38 Glenn Frank Wisconsin

38 Kenyon L. Butterfield Mass. Ag. Col.

38 Jacob G. Schurman Cornell

38 William G. Frost Berea

39 Ernest M. Hopkins Dartmouth

39 David F. Houston Texas

39 Albert Ross Hill Missouri

39 William M. Jardine Kansas Ag.

39 Albert A. Murphree Florida

40 Henry Suzzallo U. of Washington

40 John H. Finley City College, N. Y.

40 Alexander Meiklejohn Amherst

40 Nicholas M. Butler Columbia

40 William H. P. Faunce Brown

40 David Starr Jordan Stanford

41 Ray L. Wilbur Stanford

42 James B. Angell. . ., Michigan

42 William L. Bryan Indiana

42 David F. Houston Washington U.

43 Marion LeRoy Burton Minnesota

43 Stratton D. Brooks Oklahoma

43 Edwin A. Alderman Virginia

44 William O. Thompson Ohio State

45 Harry A. Garfield Williams

45 David Friday Mich. Ag. Col.

45 Sidney E. Mezes Texas

45 Benjamin Ide Wheeler California

46 Marion LeRoy Burton Michigan

46 Woodrow Wilson Princeton

46 Charles R. Van Hise Wisconsin

46 L. D. Coffman Minnesota

46 John P. McNichols U. of Detroit

To this list there should certainly have been added the name of Cloyd H. Marvin, stocky, dynamic onetime aviator, who undertook the presidency of the University of Arizona three years ago at the age of 33. /- Dr. Henry Merritt Wriston, History Professor of Wesleyan University, also qualifies; a fortnight ago, the day before his 36th birthday, he was elected President of Lawrence College (Appleton, Wis.). Also Dr. Charles C. Mierow, 42, from 1923-4

Dean and Acting President of Colorado College. Last week he was elevated to full presidenthood.

* Miss Taft, the now Mrs. Frederick J. Manning, was Acting President in 1919-20.

/- For a vivid account of President Marvin and his work, see the interview granted by him to Editor George Marvin (no relation) in The Outlook for July 8.