Monday, Jul. 13, 1925
At Wimbledon. On a smooth lawn marked with white lines, two Frenchmen were indulging in an active tennis match. One of them bounded about at the net, volleying everything he could; the other played a backcourt game, driving deeply and accurately. His brow was furrowed with concentration; he was trying very hard to win. His rival at the net was more debonair; when a neat lob passed him, he kissed his fingers to it; occasionally he called out, "Bravo, Rene." He, Jean Borotra, was playing against Rene Lacoste, conquerer of J. O. Anderson, for the championship of England at Wimbledon (TIME, July 6). On the sidelines sat the King of England, who was rumored to have a bet on Boro-tra. He did not know, perhaps, that Borotra, a young man who has never permitted his sport to interfere with his pleasure, had broken the monotony of the Wimbledon tournament by hurried week-end trips to Paris by airplane, returned somewhat pale. No young man who does that sort of thing can have much chance of winning the Wimbledon tournament, as Lacoste demonstrated, 6-3, 6-3, 4-6 8-6.
A Frenchwoman, Mle. Suzanne Lenglen, took exactly 26 minutes to win her sixth British championship in the women's singles by defeating Miss Joan Fry, 19, of England.
The men's doubles title was fought for by two Frenchmen, two Americans. The Frenchmen won. They were Lacoste and Borotra. The Americans were Roy Casey of San Francisco and tall John Hennessey of Indianapolis. All were exhausted; the score--6-4, 11-9, 4-6, 1-6, 6-3.
Paired with Borotra, Mle. Lenglen won the mixed doubles championship.
At Nassau. In front of the huge, garish Nassau Country Club at Glen Cove, L. I., William T. Tilden II played against a protege of his, slender A. H. Chapin Jr., for the Nassau Challenge Cup. Protege Chapin took four games in the first set. Then Tilden, remembering that youth will be served, began to serve cannonballs, to cut, chop, drive, until many thought that Chapin would cripple himself in his wild nourishes at mocking tennis balls. Tilden won the next 15 games, the match.