Monday, Jun. 15, 1925
With a brand new paper suitcase, in look-me-over suitings and silk cravat, small boys see themselves in dreams returning, rich, famous, to astound the goateed station agent, the paunchy hotel proprietor, the sheriffs, rumdums and soda clerks of their old home town. Last week, Lawrence Tibbett, 28-year-old U. .S. baritone who came to fume one evening in Fahtaff at the Metropolitan Opera House, Manhattan (TIME, Jan. 12), returned to the hamlet of Bakersfield, Calif. His traveling appointments and haberdashery were in perfect taste. In the local opera house, he lifted the voice that had made the gallery-ghouls of the Metropolitan beat their palms red and had thrilled the tympana of the Diamond Horseshoe-Striving to please, Baritone Tibbett continued his concert three-quarters of an hour overtime. "I gave my best," he said. Bakersfield bankers and merchants agreed that his tone was pleasant, his diction creditable.