Monday, Jun. 08, 1925

Night Life

In Manhattan, a tall gray-haired man in a dinner jacket followed a small brunette into the night club of one Texas Guinan. Waiters gaped. Broadway brahmins stared at each other with a wild surmise. "It's Harry Thaw," they said. The famed slayer, onetime maniac, rabbit-fancier, danced with the brunette, entertained many at his table, sent incredible tips to orchestra-players, listened to a song composed in his honor :

Women weep and talk in their sleep About Harry K. Thaw, nice Harry K. Thaw.

Outside he's so big and athletic, But inside he's so sympathetic.


In Chicago, barbers decided on a new schedule of prices : shave, 35c ; haircut, 75c ; combination, $1; on Saturday, $1.20.

Red Hot

In Brooklyn, one Moses Anderson, Negro idler, strolled in the spring sunshine, responded vocally to the lambent weather by yodelling a popular song. Children in a nearby public school heard, through the open window, the syncopated quaverings, began to chant the words: Red Hot Mamma.* Teachers besought silence. Disorder continued. Idler Anderson was arrested, charged with committing a public nuisance. Indignant, he asked that his voice be given a hearing. Policemen, magistrate, court officials, listened to the strains of Red Hot Mamma, sentenced Anderson to the workhouse.

* The words:

Red hot mamma, Red hot mamma, You're the one I need. Red hot mamma, You're some charmer, Yes, indeed. . . . Yon make a music master drop his fiddle, Make a bald-headed man part his hair in the middle, Red hot mamma, Red hot mamma . . . Etc.