Monday, Jun. 01, 1925

Prex McConaughy

At Middletown, Conn., on June 5, another young man will undertake a task of magnitude. On that day, as successor to her late President, William Arnold Shanklin, Wesleyan College will induct the incumbent (1918-25) of the presidency of Knox College (Galesburg, Ill.), Dr. James L. McConaughy, 37, Yale graduate, Rotarian, onetime Professor of English and Education at Dartmouth, Bowdoin, Knox.

President-elect McConaughy's record at Knox: consolidation of the undergraduate body, physical expansion, strengthening of the Classics Department, introduction of courses in Biblical Literature, Social Hygiene, Practical Journalism. Of his strong convictions, one is that a college president should teach classes. What manner of inspiration may be expected by Wesleyan students electing their President's courses next fall, was forecast last week. Said the President-elect: "The honor system is the finest flower of student responsibility. ... [I am] a fan on athletics . . . real preparation for the game of life. . . . [The college's "spiritual tradition"] is a certain indefinable something that is a very definite part of the college, a thing or things which cannot be put in words or which cannot be expressed in material terms."