Monday, Jun. 01, 1925
60 Years After
In 1978, how will the doughboys of the late War feel if the U. S. offers a courtesy to Germany? Will they be bitter?
Last week, at the 42d encampment of the Tennessee division of the G. A. R., the National Grand Commander, L. F. Arensberg of Pittsburgh condemned the coinage of "Stone Mountain half dollars," which are to be sold at a premium to finance the great Confederate memorial at Stone Mountain, Ga.
Said he: "At the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in Grand Rapids, next August, we shall take steps to have this coinage act repealed. . . ."
"The Grand Army of the Republic also opposes restoration of the Lee mansion at Arlington Heights by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which desires to make the mansion a Confederate shrine."
Will the Grand Army, unforgetting after 60 years, protest? As far as Stone Mountain is concerned, their protest is almost certain to be too late. The half dollars, coined by authorization of Congress, have already been distributed, 2,300,000 of them. On July 3 they will be given out to the public by the distributing agencies.