Monday, May. 25, 1925
Mr. Coolidge's Week
P:The President did his annual dining with the Assistant Secretaries of the Executive Departments. They, dubbed " the little Cabinet , " during the administration of President Harding were organized to meet monthly.
P: It became known that Edward Elwell Whiting, an editor of the Boston Herald, had called at the White House, had been refused admittance. Also, that Robert Morris Washburn had suffered a similar disappointment . Both are authors of laudatory biographies of the President . Both biographies were used extensively in the 1924 campaign . Both tell how a Massachusetts legislator once introduced Mr. Coolidge with the words : " Like the singed cat , he is better than he looks . " But exactly why the President is offended (if he is offended), not one politician could tell another.
P: The Nation's defenders failed to secure the President's approval for the celebration of Defense, Mobilization or Muster Day on Armistice Day . It was suggested that July 4 might do.
P: In the East Room of the White House, with Cabinet officers, General Pershing and other notables standing by, the President distributed appropriate lauds and shiny Roosevelt Memorial Medals to Miss Martha Berry, Gifford Pinchot and George Bird Grinnell (see EDUCATION).
P:The President, on the advice of the Secretary of Labor, appointed onetime (1915-25) U. S. Congressman Harry E. Hull of Iowa to be Commissioner General of Immigration in succession to W. W. Husband, promoted to be Assistant Secretary of Labor in charge of Immigration.