Monday, May. 25, 1925
One of the sensations of the spring has been the recrudescence of building operations. Previously it had been thought, even by mortgage lenders and large operators, that the "building boom" was past its peak, and the evidence of unrented offices and apartments confirmed this view. But the ease in the money market has evidently set the construction industry in motion again.
According to reports of the F. W. Dodge Corporation, made last week, building operations last April were the largest for any month on record, and amounted to $546,970,700. The month of April, 1925, thus shows an increase of 14% over March, 1925, and of 13% over April, 1924.
The April totals for contracts awarded include: $256,414,300 (47%) for residential buildings.
$95,432,400 (17%) for public works and utilities.
$63,988,900 (12%) for commercial buildings.
$46,567,900 (9%) for industrial buildings.
$33,154,600 (6%) for educational buildings.
In work contemplated as well as work actually underway, a large gain in April was also shown. New projects contemplated were last month reported at $760,657,600-or an increase of 25% over the previous year.