Monday, May. 25, 1925

A. A. C. W.

At Houston, Tex., delegates of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World made the past week into one inspiring round of sightseeing, conferring, speechmaking. When the week was up, the Manhattan delegates successfully boosted their Mr. C. K. Woodbridge, self-made head of the Dictaphone Corporation, to the Presidency of A. A. C. W.

The world was represented at the convention by persons from Great Britain, Cuba, Peru, Switzerland, Mexico, China, and by an official message from Japan. Some thoughts-religious, poetic, economic-brought forward:

U. S. Representative C. A. Eaton of New Jersey, keynoter-"While we are selling things of a material kind, we must also sell the imperishable things of the spirit. Thus only can the art of advertising continue to be the handmaiden of human progress, leading the weary feet of all nations forward along convergent paths until, by and by, we shall reach the sunlit land of human understanding, complete cooperation, friendship and peace, which will mean the dawning of the Kingdom of God upon earth."

U. S. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover-"The older economists taught the essential influences of 'wish,' 'want' and 'desire' as motive forces in economic progress. You have taken over the job of creating desire. You have still another job-creating goodwill in order to make desire stand hitched."

A resolution-"War is the foe of trade."

A Chicago cleric-"The world will never be redeemed by the voice only. ... In the newspaper, the coming generation will find, when Christianity is applied to the newspaper, a great apostle of Christianity. . . . The pulpit and the written word-the press-are twins."