Monday, May. 25, 1925

Return Engagement

The first public appearance of Leon Trotzky since his "return from Elba" was at the opening meeting of this year's Federal Congress of the Soviets at the Grand Opera House, Moscow.

The faded War Lord was received in silence but, at the same time, there was no mistaking the fact that he was the cynosure of the auditors assembled to witness the elections to the Presidium or Standing Committee of the Congress, which, while the Congress is not in session, is the highest authority in the Union. Elections began. "Stalin," sounded a voice. Stalin stood up (cheers) and took his place at a long table on a platform. Kalinin, Kamenev, Rykov, Zinoviev were similarly elected. "Trotzky," boomed a voice and up jumped the ex-War Lord. A tremendous ovation greeted him. Cheer upon cheer shook the walls of the Opera House and made the plaudits for the other leaders seem like the crack of a rifle to the boom of a howitzer.

As Trotzky took his place at the table, it was noticed that he did not sit next to Grigori Zinoviev, his arch enemy, who, apparently, did not leave Moscow, as reliably reported last week.