Monday, May. 25, 1925


Further impetus was given, last week, to Governor General Leonard Wood's plea for $1,000,000 for the leper colony on the Island of Culion, the Philippines.

The story was told of the retreat founded by Dr. Victor G. Heiser. In a commandeered Government vessel, he went from port to port, herded the wretches on board, took them to Culion. There they led normal lives, received the expensive treatment of ethyl ester. Their children were born "clean."

But, in the 1916-21 period of Filipino political control, under the Jones Act, 300 infant children contracted the dread disease, and the colony went from bad to worse.

As soon as General Wood arrived-in 1921-he drew on emergency funds, increased the staff of physicians from 2 to 18; and within a year 1,000 patients were once more receiving treatment. When it was rumored that the General was about to return to the U. S., a pathetic peition signed by more than 1,000 lepers begged him to stay. Meanwhile, the Filipino politicians were trying to oust him. Culion was made an issue, and the Filipino Legislature cut the Culion appropriations by one-third.

Under such circumstances, it is characteristic of the General not to go. He has called for a million dollars and, it seems certain, will get it.