Monday, May. 11, 1925

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:

A white bear with blood-stained feet. (Page 16, column 2.)

The friend of Abdul Hamid II. (P. 17, col. 2.)

The dorsal of Sapodilla Tom. It was lifted and was gone. (P. 17, col. 3.)

Longer literary trousers. (P. 14, col. 1.)

An income sufficient for Mrs. Bryan and himself. (P. 4, col. 3.)

"The greatest statesman in the world." (P. 5, col. 2.)

An unembittered fisherman. (P. 2, col. 1.)

A curse upon idealism-revived. (P. 12, col. 2.)

A deft and decorative touch. (P. 15, col. 3.)

Somnolent picnickers under willow trees. (P. 16, col. 1.)

The brightest boy in the class. (P. 14, col. 1.)