Monday, May. 11, 1925
Born. To King Victor Emmanuel, a grandson, Giorgio, son of Princess Yolanda and Count Calvi di Bergolo; in Pinerolo, Italy.
Engaged. Gratia Buell Houghton, niece of the U. S. Ambassador to Great Britain, to Alan G. Rinehart, second son of Mary Roberts Rinehart, famed novelist.
Engaged. Miss Harriet Lowden, daughter of Frank O. Lowden, one-time (1917-21) Governor of Illinois, to Albert F. Madlener Jr. of Chicago.
Married. Roger Wethered, famed British golfer, to Miss Elizabeth Cavendish Bentinck, daughter of .Lord Charles Cavendish Bentinck; in London.
Died. Charles F. Kent, 58, professor of Semitic Languages and Biblical Literature at Yale University; in Mount Carmel, Conn., after a long illness. He was the editor of a "Shorter Bible" which, critics averred, omitted all favorable references to liquor, emphasized all attacks upon it; and of many other religious works.
Died. Edward J. McKeever, 66, Acting President and large stockholder of the Brooklyn National League Baseball Club; in Brooklyn, of influenza. It was at the funeral of President Charles H. Ebbets, whom he succeeded, that he contracted a fatal cold.
Died. Mme. Alexandrine Gabrielle Meley Zola, 86, widow of the famed French novelist, famile Zola; in Paris.