Monday, May. 11, 1925
Nearly 75 years old and nearly 32 years Bishop of Massachusetts, the Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., S.T.D., stated, last week, that the administration of his diocese had been placed in the hands of Bishop Coadjutor Slattery. Said he: "Those whom I have confirmed, and there have been some 60,000, I hold in tender memory. ... I shall, of course, still be moving in and out among you, worshiping with you, sometimes leading you in worship and preaching."
Famed as a liberal, famed as creator of the $8,000,000 Church Pension Fund, "Lawrence of Massachusetts" is famed also as a director of Harvard University. For the latter's Business School and departments of Fine Arts and Chemistry, he is now helping to assemble $10,000,000.