Monday, Apr. 27, 1925
Back to Babylon
Rev. William A. Sunday, Presbyterian evangelist, returned to Manhattan, lair of Liberals, for the first time since the War year when he came to clean up the "modern Babylon." Said he:
Of Liberals: "These modernists are sort of theological bootleggers. They seemingly have no more respect for God and the Bible . . . than the bootleggers have for law. Christianity stands or falls on the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and on the resurrection. . . . The people believe in it. ... It was the New York preachers who started all this row."
Of the South: "I say there is ten times more respect for God and the Bible and the Christian religion in the South than in any other part of the United States. . . . They have not felt the infiltration of this great horde with their Continental ideas of God and the Sabbath."
Of Cathedral-building: "Bishop Manning is one of the finest fellows going. He is true blue, four-square on God and the Bible. . . . God owns this world. Why worship Him in a lot of little chicken-coop buildings on street corners?"