Monday, Apr. 06, 1925
Admiral George Dewey fought the battle of Manila Bay on Apr. 30, 1898. On Jan. 16, 1917, he died at his home, No. 1601 K Street, Washington. He was buried in Arlington Cemetery, in a mausoleum surrounded by the tombs of comrades.
Last week, his wife, Grace, his son George C., a group of his onetime subordinates (the present Admirals Charles J. Badger, George P. Colvocoresses, Hugh Rodman, Spencer S. Wood, retired; Admirals Edward W. Eberle, Hilary P. Jones, active; Marine Corps General Dion Williams) escorted his body from Arlington to the crypt of Bethlehem Chapel, Washington Cathedral, Mount St. Albans, D. C, where lies the body of Woodrow Wilson. Bishop James E. Freeman offered prayer ; the choir sang.
Mrs. Dewey said she "had been persuaded" to remove the Admiral's body to the Cathedral because he had been an Episcopalian.
Mr. Wilson was a Presbyterian elder.