Monday, Mar. 30, 1925
Williamstown Speakers
Up the East River, a big liner was recently towed, bearing on board Dr. Harry A. Garfield, President of Williams College and Chairman of the Institute of Politics (TIME, Sept. 8). Dr. Garfield had been in Europe securing distinguished foreigners to lecture at the Institute this summer. The following famed men, he said, had consented to attend;
Count Antonio Cippico, Italian Senator and Fascist; Robert Masson, Paris banker, general manager for financial affairs of the Credit Lyonnais; Dr. William E. Rappard, member of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations, first Swiss lecturer at the institute; three British conference leaders--Major General Sir Frederick Maurice, Director of Military Operations, British General Staff, 1915 to 1918; Lionel Curtis, editor of The Round Table magazine. Arnold Toynbee, writer.