Monday, Mar. 30, 1925


A civic rumpus broke out in Berlin over renaming a street after the late President Friedrich Ebert. The Republicans, particularly the Socialists, want the Budapesterstrasse called Friedrich Ebertstrasse. The Budapesterstrasse runs from the Brandenburg Gate along the back of the palace gardens facing on the Wilhelmstrasse where the Foreign Office is situate. The Monarchists think this is too much honor for the saddlemaker President and a suggestion was made that a street in the Berlin suburb of Treptow, where Ebert used to live, be renamed after him.

At Dessau, Frau Becker, laborer's wife, gave birth to her 27th child, a boy, in the 47th year of her life. On the same night, Herr Becker's eldest married sister gave birth to twins.