Monday, Mar. 23, 1925

Kurd War

Reports from Turkey concerning the Kurdish revolt (TIME, Mar. 9) were hopelessly confused.

Under the leadership of Sheik Said, the Kurds attacked Diarbekr in southern Turkish Kurdistan, entered the town, were driven out by the Turks. A despatch from London stated that part of the town had been destroyed by rebel artillery fire.

There was no news concerning the way in which the Kurds are to be put down by the Turks except that Kemal Eddin Pasha and Samy Bey, had gone by airplane to Diarbekr and that a vigorous campaign was to begin after their arrival.

News from Constantinople was more definite. It was published that the Grand National Assembly at Angora, the capital, had approved a grant of $44,000,000 for suppression of the Kurds.