Monday, Mar. 23, 1925

Prince's Trip

On Mar. 28, H. M. S. Repulse, sister ship of the Renown,* will dip the Prince of Wales' standard to the roar of guns and cheers of crowds as she casts anchor at Portsmouth and moves with silent, increasing speed past the Blockhouse Fort and across Spithead on the initial stage of the "Pragger-Wagger's" fourth/- official trip as Royal Ambassador.

Gambia. On Apr. 4, the Prince will pay a short visit to this small enclave British possession on the west coast of Africa, landing at Bathurst in the bright-blue steam pinnace.

Sierra Leone. The Repulse will then steam for a few hours to Freetown, capital of the next British colony. Here the Prince will spend two days, with the possibility of a brief hunting trip in the interior.

Gold Coast Colony. Four days will be spent here, during which time the Prince will admire and possibly nibble, cocoa and kola nuts. He will pry into the gold, cocoa and palm oil industries and possibly will penetrate the hinterland jungles for a brief spell.

Nigeria. The Repulse is due to arrive here Apr. 14 and to depart Apr. 22. The Prince will land at Lagos and proceed by railway into the heart of the colony, where another hunting trip will be in order after a polite and royal interest has been shown in Nigerians and Nigerian pursuits.

U. S. A. (Union of South Africa). The prince will land at Cape Town on Apr. 30 for a stay of three months and will pay numerous visits throughout the Union, to the Provinces of the Orange Free State, Natal, Transvaal, taking in Swaziland en route and extending the tour to Southern and Northern Rhodesia.

The object of the visit, which is of great importance, is undoubtedly to rally a large section of the Boer population to a closer loyalty to the Crown and to kill the republican spirit voiced during the past election campaign (TIME, June 16) by Premier Hertzog and his followers. There is a good chance, however, that a term of office has already made the Premier recant, for it was he who re-issued the invitation to the Prince which General Smuts made some years ago.

Toward the end of July, the Prince will set sail for South America, in which continent he will visit Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, possibly Peru, Ecuador and Colombia, returning through the Panama Canal to Portsmouth or Plymouth on completing an eight months' tour.

* The Renown, on which the Prince made his former trips, is laid up in drydock.

/-The Prince's former official tours: 1919, Canada and the U. S.; 1920, Australia; 1921, India and Japan.