Monday, Mar. 09, 1925

The Senate:

The Legislative Week

P:Amended and passed a House bill to liberalize the Civil Service Retirement Law, making retirement voluntary at 65, mandatory at 70, increasing maximum retirement pay from $720 to $1,200.* (Went to House.) P: Adopted the conference report on the Appropriation Bill for the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, Labor. (Went to the President.) P: Confirmed the nomination of Alanson B. Houghton to be Ambassador to Great Britain. P: Ratified a convention with Chile for the mutual protection of trademarks. P: Gave up a precious afternoon and evening of work in respect to the memory of the late Senator Medill McCormick (see below). P: Extensively debated the McFadden Bill, which would allow National Banks to establish branches. P: Debate on the Isle of Pines Treaty became futile when Senator Borah, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, declined to allow it to come to a vote this session. P: Passed finally the Postal Pay and Rate Increase Bill (see Page 4). (Went to the President.) P: Passed a resolution authorizing the Committee headed by Senator Couzens which is investigating the Bureau of Internal Revenue to continue its labors until May 30. P: Passed a Deficiency Bill carrying appropriations of $56,000,000 (see below), after Senator Borah had attempted to add an amendment to repeal the salary increase for Senators, Congressmen, the Vice President, Cabinet members (TIME, Mar. 2) and forced a roll call on which the vote was 64 to 18 against the repeal. (Went to the President.) P: Passed without a record vote, after two days' debate, a Rivers and Harbors Bill carrying $40,000,000 for improvements after the Gooding amendment to prohibit railways from charging lower rates for long than for short hauls and the Fernald amendment providing for the purchase of the Cape Cod Canal had been defeated. (Went to conference.) P: The proposal that the U. S. join the World Court came up and was tucked away again with hardly 100 words spoken.

*The present Civil Service Retirement law allows voluntary retirement at 70, mandatory retirement at discretion of the head of the department.