Monday, Mar. 02, 1925

Longest Parley

The Second International Opium Conference at Geneva (the longest parley in the history of the League of Nations), which suffered its ups and downs for three months (TIME, Nov. 24, et seq.), came to an end last week when Belgium, Britain, Australia, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, Holland, Persia, Portugal and Siam, out of 40 nations represented at the conference, signed an Opium Convention and Protocol. More nations may yet sign.

President Zahle (Dane) of the Conference said in his closing speech:

"The most serious and most unfortunate incident of the conference was the withdrawal of the delegation of the United States. Utterly unchallengeable is the statement that the delegation, by its boldness, directness and devotion, has given supreme impetus to the whole anti-drug campaign. No voice was raised, and indeed I believe no voice can be raised, against the justice of the principles enunciated by the American delegation. The only question is as to the moment when they can be realized. The American delegation contended for immediate action. Other delegations felt time was required. Without taking a position between the two viewpoints, and with full recognition to the generosity with which the American delegation has given us its time and its activity, I cannot but express my own regret, first, that the delegation should have felt it necessary in any circumstances to withdraw and, secondly, felt it necessary to withdraw before the end of the conference."

The main provisions of the Convention and Protocol:

1) Enactment of laws by contracting parties to control production, distribution and exportation of raw opium.

2) Establishment by the League of Nations of a central antinarcotic board of control to be appointed by the League Council. The U. S. and Germany are to be offered seats on the appointing board.

3) Adoption of effective measures by the contracting parties to prevent, within five years, opium smuggling.

4) Declaration by opium -smoking countries that they will entirely suppress the habits within 15 years after the smuggling menace has been removed.