Monday, Feb. 23, 1925
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
An evening-coated Prince of Darkness. (Page 15, column 1.)
A rabbit. It lived. (P. 18, col. 1.)
Grim gods, goblins, heroes, witch-women. (P. 14, col. 1.)
Mr. Morrow. He brought a contrivance to the President's attention. (P. 1, col. 3.)
A beard like a Saxon monarch's. (P. 20, col. 3.)
A royal diary. (P. 8, col. 1.)
S. S.'s Oncida, Onondaya, East Indian. (P. 4, col. 3.)
A life of ease. (P. 25, col. 2.)
5,500,000,000,000,000,000 miles. (P. 18, col. 2.)
"O. P."and"M. J." (P. 4, col. 1.)
Three bows to the students and three to the faculty. (P. 15, col. 3.)