Monday, Feb. 09, 1925


Last September (TIME, Sept. 22), the Military Junto of Chile, after having granted President Arturo Alessandri leave of absence, issued a proclamation which began: "We declare solelmly on our honor that in taking charge of public affairs we do so provisionally. ..." The Junto did not realize the great truth it had caused to be written, fort four months after its coup d'etat it had been ousted by another Junto composed of younger military men (TIME, Feb. 2).

The first thing that the new Junto did was to invite President Alessandri to return from a tour of Italy. The President refused to return until "assured" that he and his policies were wanted. The Junto discussed certain demands made by the President and, after protracted and heated debate lasting far into the morning, decided to assure the President that he was not only desired but badly needed to take over the country's government.

When the President heard of these things, he rejoiced, dashed out of the Grand Hotel at Venice, jumped into a waiting gondola and was slowly "gondoled" to the railway station, where he dashed to a train which took him to Rome. At Rome, he dashed to the Vatican, paid his respects to Il Papa, saw many Italian notables, was interviewed by many journalists. Next day, he dashed from his hotel, bumped along the cobblestones of Rome in a rickety taxi. At the station, he boarded a train which rushed him to Naples. At Naples, he shot up a gangplank on to a ship which started to propel him to the east coast of South America where once again he will entrain and return triumphant to his native land.

Meantime, the Junto formed a Government which is to rule the country until the return of the President:

Interior ................Armando Jaramillo

Foreign Affairs .............Jorge Matte

Justice ........................Jose Maza

Public Works ............Francisco Mardones

Agriculture ..Claudio Vicuna Subercasseaux

Animal Industry ...........Senor Magallanes

War .........Colonel Ibanez

Marine ...............Admiral Bahamonde

Health ...................Jose Santos Salas

The first five belong to President Alessandri's party. The remaining four were appointed for "professional reasons."