Monday, Feb. 02, 1925

Tennis Stars

Out came the annual official list of the U. S. Lawn Tennis Association. Heading the list, for the fifth time in succession, was elongated "Will" Tilden II. William Johnston, of San Francisco, second since 1919, dropped to third place, giving way to the nimble-footed, sharp-eyed Vincent Richards of Manhattan. Others in order: Howard O. Kinsey of San Francisco, Wallace F. Johnson of Philadelphia, Watson M. Washburn of Manhattan, Harvey Snodgrass of Los Angeles, John Hennessey of Indianapolis, B. I.

C. Norton of St. Louis, Dr. George King of Manhattan.

At the head of the women's ten for the second time was Miss Helen Wills of mercurial agility. Second was the aliped Miss Mary K. Browne of Los Angeles.