Monday, Jan. 12, 1925
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to: Miss Poppy Baring. (Page 8, column 2.)
Lapin nourri en lait (P. 9, col. 3.)
"A suit of armor for Sir Florian." (P. 13, col. 3.)
An eager young man who made history when an audience lost control. (P.14, col. 2.)
Two women, elegant among the rabble. (P. 13, col. 2.)
An author who never wrote of adultery or seduction. (P. 12, col. 2.)
Phytopathologists, ecologists, ceramicists, agronomists. (P. 15, col. 2.)
Two slim high-school lads. (P. 28, col. 1.)