Monday, Jan. 05, 1925
Resuming Tombing
Once more the exposition of King Tut-ankh-Amen's private life, personal trinkets and royal attributes is to be undertaken in the interests of Science. From Cairo, last week, came a report that Howard Carter has signed an agreement with the Egyptian Government, the details of which were not made public.
Mr. Carter, the American who worked under the late Earl of Carnarvon, discovered the tomb in November, 1922. The tomb was opened on successive winters; but last February work was stopped because of ructions between the excavators and the Government. Lord Carnarvon had granted exclusive press rights to certain papers. The Government objected. The Government brought to the tomb frequent parties of official visitors who interrupted the work. The excavators protested. Finally, the Government objected when the excavators wished to take their wives to the tomb.
Lord Carnarvon having died, his estate declared it had no desire to prosecute his researches nor to press any claims rising out of his concession. Howard Carter has taken a new concession, which presumably contains no arrangement for exclusive press rights.