Monday, Dec. 29, 1924
The New Pictures
Argentine Love is another of those tense little international affairs with Ricardo Cortes in this corner representing the Argentine and James Rennie in that corner representing the U. S. The prize is Bebe Daniels. Stiletto fights, dark Spanish threats and flat silk hats are dealt out to the performers by Director Alan Dwan. Follow six rounds of pretty hot going. Kid Cortez is finally killed and Kid Rennie marches back to the U. S. with the prize under his arm. Witnesses call it a good fight.
Love in the Wilderness. At the angles of this triangle stand a husband, a childhood hero and Corinne Griffith. Since the impression is rapidly spreading that Corinne Griffith is the most beautiful female in the films, there is virtually no point in saying the doings are dull. Watch her head against the pillow of a hospital cot; see her escape from the very jaws of a greedy alligator; follow her through the thunder storm on the convict island. Do all this and be satisfied. The direction of Robert Z. Leonard and the terrible titles will not wholly flatten the effect.
So This Is Marriage is one of the most curious hybrids that the pictures have produced. Right in the middle of a prosaic history of a young wife who spent too much money, is introduced an elaborate Biblical adventure in luxurious color film. David and Bath-Sheba, battles and beards, dancing girls and the annoyance of the Lord thereat are profusely painted in. They illustrate the villain's attempt to justify to the wife her proposed seduction by himself. Very properly the bewildered girl burst into tears and went downstairs to her husband. The picture proves that travel talks on sin are unwise at critically unmoral moments.
Sandra. Barbara La Marr--she of the expansive figure--plays a woman with two souls. The first was faithfully domestic, the second cruel and ecumenical. She followed the second to Europe, to the arms of many lovers, to the edge of the Seine. Then, in one of the prize "blah" endings, she came home--and her husband took her gently in his arms. One of the most arrant bits of tawdry of the season.