Monday, Dec. 29, 1924

The Legislative Week

The Senate:

P:Gave most of its attention to the Muscle Shoals Bill, passing on amendments and debating them at length.

P: Approved the terms for settling the War debts of Poland and Lithuania to the U. S.

P: Passed a bill extending the life of the Foreign Debt Funding Commission for two years more (it was to have expired Feb. 9). (Went to House.)

P: Agreed by unanimous consent to take up the veto of the Postal Pay Increase Bill at the conclusion of routine business on Jan. 5, to limit debate, to dispose of it before 4 p. m. the next day.

P: Set aside Monday, Jan. 19, for memorial services for the late Senators Lodge, Brandegee, Colt.

P: Adopted unanimously a report of the subcommittee which "had been appointed to examine into an editorial which had been published in Hearst papers attacking Senator Underwood and his Muscle Shoals Bill. Said the report: "No evidence was submitted, nor was it claimed that any evidence existed, that in any way reflected upon the integrity, or honor or character of Senator Underwood. Your committee, therefore, presents to the Senate its condemnation of the editorial and the (complete exoneration of Senator Underwood in the matter."

P: Passed a bill providing $100,000 for the eradication of a European chicken pest which has infected poultry in a number of states and giving the Department of Agriculture power to fight all contagious diseases of poultry. (Went to House.)

P: Adjourned until Dec. 29.

The House:

P: Passed a bill prohibiting the sending of firearms through the mails. (Went to Senate.)

P:Approved the terms by which the debts of Poland and Lithuania to the U. S. are to be funded.

P: Refused to act on the Senate bill extending the life of the Foreign Debt Funding Commission on the grounds that it was financial legislation and therefore should constitutionally have been initiated in House.

P: Passed an omnibus pension bill left ever from last session. (Went to President.)

P: Debated and passed the appropriation bill for the Navy Department, carrying $300,000,000. (Went to Senate.)

P:Passed a bill authorizing the Postmaster General to maintain in operation all the present airmail routes. (Went to Senate.)

P:Received from committee the report on the supply bill for the Treasury and Post Office Departments carrying an appropriation of $763,000,000--the largest peacetime supply bill ever presented. The sum is divided $127,000,000 for the Treasury, $636,000,000 for the Post Office.

P: Passed the Senate bill appropriating $100,000 to fight the chicken pest. (Went to President.)

P: Adjourned until Dec. 29.