Monday, Dec. 22, 1924

"Gold Cure"

During the past month, newspapers have devoted much space to recent experiments performed by Prof. Molgaard of Denmark in attempting to treat tuberculosis with a chemical substance containing a certain amount of gold. The idea of gold as a therapeutic agent has always had a peculiar fascination for both the public and the physician, so that "gold cures" have been available for practically every type of ill from which mankind may suffer. Unfortunately, none of these "cures" has thus far stood the test of scientific observation. The method devised by Prof. Molgaard has been tested on animals in his laboratories to a rather limited extent. His work has been conducted in a scientific manner, but it is impossible to state from the evidence thus far available whether or not it will have any real virtue in the treatment of tuberculosis. Fortunately, Prof. Molgaard is a thorough scientist, and not inclined to commercialize or to propagate unduly an incomplete investigation. His method has been turned over for further study to other laboartories than his own, including that of the Medical Research Council of Great Britain. Until such independent investigations have been completed, the chemical will not be available for general use.