Monday, Dec. 22, 1924


The following books, economically, politically, historically, or biographically related to Foreign News, have recently been published in the U.S.:

THE COLLAPSE OF CENTRAL EUROPE-- Karl Friedrich Nowak--Dutton ($8.00). A searching analysis of the main events which led to the dissolution of the German and Austrian Empires-- lucid, authoritative and of compelling interest.

CHRONICLES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY--Maud Wyndham --Hougliton Mifflin--(2 vols., $10.00). These books, based upon the correspondence of the Lyttelton family, cover one of the most placid periods of English history--the early Hanoverian period. Apart from their value to history, which is not inconsiderable, they show what a wide chasm the England of today has jumped.

AN AMBASSADOR'S MEMOIRS--Mau-rice Paleologue--Doran (3 vols., $7.50 each). The last French Ambassador to Imperial Russia tells in diary form of his experiences and of his impressions during the last fateful years of the Tsar's autocracy. The Ambassador's eyes have beheld many strange sights and his ears have heard many strange things, all of which have combined to make these books a foremost social and political history of late Imperial Russia.

MY BROTHER'S FACE--Dhan Gopal Mukerji--Dutton ($3.00). With a supreme touch of mystic philosophy which transports the reader to the domes of India, Mukerji relates his home-coming after "many years of wandering." His brother's face is indeed his brother's; but something more. It is India and Gandhi. A most absorbing book.