Monday, Dec. 15, 1924
The football curtain was rung up again for one or two encores. Chief of these was at Los Angeles, whither Syracuse repaired to try the mettle of Southern California. It was a dangerous thing to do. The Trojans' chests bulged under their shirts, their linemen bulged through the Syracuse line, their backfield bulged right past the Syracuse goal, twice. In addition, Trojan Hawkins kicked a field goal. The Californians clearly outdid their visitors. Only twice did they permit big John McBride of Syracuse to get near enough to try his toe at a field goal. And both these times big John was disconcerted. End Adams and Centre Cravath of the Trojans left few laurels for others. Score: Southern California 16, Syracuse 0.
Much-sung football alumni of Pennsylvania, including "Lud" Wray, "Heine" Miller, "Poss" Miller, Bert Bell, "Lou" Young (head coach of Penn's unbeaten 1924 Varsity) stepped out on Franklin Field to keep Penn in trim for her holiday game on the Pacific Coast. They intercepted a pass, they passed themselves, they surpassed the Varsity, 12 to 0.
Florida held another late-autumn reception at Jacksonville, sent Washington and Lee home chastised, 16 to 6. Florida's captain, Halfback Newton, did the honors. He needed no interference when plunging, his punts averaged 57 yards.
The Quantico Marines amassed 47 points at the inconvenience of the scoreless Third Army Corps.