Monday, Dec. 15, 1924
The Legislative Week
The Senate:
P:Heard the President's message (see this page).
P:Elected to committees in accordance with the desires of the party caucuses: for the Republicans, Borah, Chairman of Foreign Relations; Mc-Lean and Edge, Foreign Relations; Phipps, Chairman of Education and Labor; Hiram Johnson, Chairman of Immigration; Willis, Chairman of Territories; Cummins, Chairman of Judiciary; Butler, Judiciary, Naval Affairs, Patents; Means, Claims, Immigration, Judiciary, Mines; Metcalf. Education and Labor, Library, Naval Affairs, Patents. For the Democrats: George, Banking and Currency; Ashurst, Irrigation and Reclamation. P: Discussed the administration bill for spending $10,000,000 a year for five years on adequate Housing for Government offices in the Capital; given up when Senator Fletcher offered an omnibus building bill as an amendment.
P:Took up discussion of Muscle Shoals.
P:Confirmed the appointment of Howard M. Gore to be Secretary of Agriculture.
P:Appointed a joint committee to arrange a Woodrow Wilson Memorial Service, to be held in the House of Representatives on Dec. 15. P: Passed a deficiency bill (providing funds for the soldier bonus) which was left on the calendar since last June when, in the closing minutes of the Session, Senator Pittman talked it to death because it did not include an appropriation of $500,000 for the "Spanish Springs immigration project" in which he was interested. This appropriation was included in the budget estimates for the Department of the Interior for next year, and Senator Pittman allowed the deficiency bill to pass. Then he heard that the Appropriations Committee of the House, in reporting the Department of Interior supply bill, had stricken out the Spanish Springs project again. Again his ire was aroused. He announced that the Interior supply bill would never pass the Senate unless Spanish Springs were included, and prepared to renew his fight.
The House:
P:Heard the President's Message. P: Received the President's budget recommendations.
P:Adopted a resolution limiting the Christmas recess to one week, Dec. 20 to 29. (Went to the Senate.) P: Adopted a resolution providing for a joint session of Congress in honor of Woodrow Wilson, on Dec. 15.
P:Received from committee the Department of Agriculture supply bill, carrying $125,000,000, of which $80,000,000 would go toward road construction. The total is $59,000,000 greater than that of last year; $61,-000,000 of this increase is for roads.