Monday, Nov. 24, 1924
In Chicago
"Today we celebrate our Golden Jubilee, but our glorious cause is yet in its infancy. We must carry on in the way of that famous general who replied to news of a victory: 'Then win another!' "To our friends in all the world and to the law-nullifiers in our own Republic, we confidently radiocast the assertion: 'The work of the W. C. T. U. is just beginning.'"--so exhorted Miss Anna A. Gordon, President, to a great host of women, brimming with enthusiasm, who assembled in Chicago to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Miss Gordon herself dwells in Evanston, also the home of Charles G. Dawes. She lives in Rest Cottage, which was the home of Frances E. Willard, founder of the movement, and which was left by Miss Willard as a legacy to Miss Gordon. The delegates made a pilgrimage to this shrine of their Union on the occasion of "the joyous culmination," as Miss Gordon termed the Jubilee. With nearly 500,000 members and 20,000 local unions in the U. S., with Unions in 51 countries and delegates present from all the hemispheres, pointing to the past with pride, looking to the future with the keenest anticipation, the parent organization celebrated its anniversary with pageantry pictures of its 50 years.