Monday, Nov. 17, 1924

In Vienna

Opinion is divided regarding the resignation of Richard Strauss, famed composer, from the Vienna Opera. The resignation was the result of differences of opinion existing between Strauss and Franz Schalk, his codirector. Strauss wanted many new programs. Schalk favored less innovation on economic grounds.

Many feel that Strauss has acted pettishly. He is accused of ingratitude to the city which has spread his fame and built him a little palace, set in princely gardens. Strauss excuses his long absences from the city on the ground that he needed money. This, too, is resented. Strauss is known to be well off.

It is suspected that Strauss's wrath at Vienna is due to the unenthusiastic reception accorded his last two premieres. He is a popular composer, but the critics did not hesitate to comment in a manner the reverse of complimentary on the two pieces. Strauss says he will not leave Vienna, but will devote all his attention to composing, not to directing.