Monday, Nov. 17, 1924
THE ROMANTIC RISE OF A GREAT AMERICA--Russell H. Conwell--Hardy per ($2.00.) A trip from poverty throttled youth to wealthy age. John Wanamaker, pioneer retail merchant, was born in suburban Philadelphia in 1838. died in 1922. He was prominent in church and sunday scholl work. the Y.M.C.A., missionary enterprises, reform movements, life insurance, politics, the introduction of the automobile. He was Postmaster General in President Harrison's Cabinet.
". . . The best mother a boy ever had taught me the lesson of diligence"; ". . . at 11 years of age, I made my biggest purchase ... a small red leather Bible"; "Give the customer what he has a right to"; "My conscience won't let me take people's time to read some of the things I write"; are among his quoted comments.
All of which indicates that Wanamaker is not only the name of a big store in Philadelphia and another in Manhattan, but that of a sage, kindly, Christian gentleman.
Dr. Russell H. Conwell, who remarks : "My task is not to write a biography, but to tell the story of my friend," is the author of the celebrated Acres of Diamonds, (TIME, Sept. 29).