Monday, Nov. 17, 1924

New Traffic Records

Traffic records have gone by the board this fall. During the weekending October 11, a new high record was established at 1,088,462 cars loaded. The next week this figure was bettered by 1,102,336 cars.

During the week ending October 25, a third high record for all time of 1,112,345 cars loaded was made. During the last mentioned week, new high records were also established for car loadings of grain and grain products, and of miscellaneous freight. The former amounted to 72,474 cars--1,340 over the previous high record made during the week ending October 4, 1924. Miscellaneous freight loadings totaled 442,890 cars, which was 4,656 cars over the former record established the previous week.

All sections of the country except the Northwest seem to be participating in these heavy freight loadings. In general, the current record freight movement is taken by students of business to signify great national buying power and a high rate of consumption of goods. As such, the phenomena point to good business conditions in the future.