Monday, Nov. 03, 1924
Possibly one of the greatest causes of friction between the Holy See and the Italian Government has been removed.
Some time ago, Premier Mussolini decided to put an end to the wide- spread misuse of titles in Italy. To that end he appointed a commission to inquire into the matter. Political wiseacres, almost without exception, foresaw the abolition of all papal titles bestowed since 1870 when the temporal power of the Papacy came to an end.
Last week the Italian Government put to flight these notions. It recognized all titles bestowed by the Popes since 1870 and decided that they and any future creations shall be considered in every way equivalent to titles given by the Italian King. Moreover for a simple fee any Papal noble can have his name placed in the Golden Book of Italian nobility.
The Cabinet decision, which took the form of a decree-law, was sent to the King for his signature under cover of a letter which explained that it was "dutiful homage paid to the universal moral sovereignty of the Pope in all Catholic countries irrespective of government policies."
Another decree recognizing all Papal decorations without exception was expected to be submitted by the Cabinet to the King in the near future.