Monday, Oct. 27, 1924

Practical Mencken

For some years a gadfly, H. L. Mencken by name, editor of the American Mercury, has buzzed and stung at the flanks of U. S. journalists. But Gadfly Mencken does not sting solely to infuriate. Gadfly Mencken is an idealist. He stings, he maddens, he browbeats only that working newspaper men may be awakened to the shame of their "cowardice, stupidity and Philistinism." Idealist Mencken has magnificent ideals for U. S. journalism.

In the past, the Mencken idealism has seemed sometimes over-bitter, over-scornful. Emanating from the studious atmosphere of a secluded Baltimore library, it has seemed far removed from the ugly realities it so resents. Now all this is to be changed. Idealist Mencken has shown himself to be a practical as well as an inspired reformer. Last week the Chicago Tribune Syndicate advertised that Idealist Mencken had offered his service to any and all papers in the land that were desirous of employing "a great literary critic . . . perhaps the fore- most in America." Hereafter there will be no excuse for any U. S. newspaper to be without at least one redeeming feature. For a moderate consideration, any city editor can now have a model of sincere, constructive, idealistic thought and writing against which to contrast the "blowsy," "slipshod" language of the news columns, the "drivel" he lets "slide under his nose," the "transparent absurdities," the "trivialities and puerilities." To his vulgar, ignorant cub reporter, a city editor may now say: "Go thou and read our column by Mr. Mencken and be a better boy."