Monday, Oct. 13, 1924

The Myth

The "Coolidge Myth"--on which the political intelligenzia have been wasting much breath*--was summed up magnificently by a Manhattan Colyumnist, one F. P. A.:

"Mrs. Coolidge heard the news over the White House radio of the Washington team's victory. She carried the tidings to the President, who was at work in his office. What we --and thousands of other voters-- would like to know is the conversation that took place. How did she phrase it and what did the President say? Did it go like this?

" 'Come in.'"

" 'Pardon me, Calvin, I hope I am not disturbing you. I know how busy you are. And I should not think of interrupting your work, possibly of tremendous importance to the entire Nation, were it not that what I have to say I feel certain would be of interest to you.'


" 'In Boston, the home of the Cradle of Liberty, this afternoon the Washington Baseball Team, by a score of 4 to 2, has just succeded in defeating the Boston team, thereby winning the pennant.'

" 'Thank you.'"

-- Every national figure is necessarily a myth to those who do not know him.