Monday, Oct. 06, 1924
What price a college education ten years after graduation? No statistical bureau in the world could answer the question. Nor were statistics on the Class of 1913 of Princeton University, published last week, at all indicative of what a college graduate may expect from the world in return for his having spent four years improving his mind. The factors are countless; and Princeton, 1913, may have been an exceptional class, either for ability and helpful associations or for ineptitude and lack of helpful associations. Still, the figures commanded attention:
Class membership ....................................................................... ............373
Average annual earnings of each member after ten years.......... $8,315
Total earnings of ten members during 1922 ..............................$390,000
Earnings in the cotton market of one member during 1922 ....$124,000
Of the 373, twenty-four earned more than ......................................$10,000
47 earned between $5,000 and $10,000
116 earned between $2,000 and $5,000