Monday, Sep. 15, 1924
"All Great Men"
Many years ago, two little boys played together in Georgia. One of them was destined to get close to the White House. He was the elder. The younger looked up to him with great admiration. One was William G. McAdoo, onetime Secretary of the Treasury, son-in-law of a late President, and recent candidate for the Democratic nomination; the other was Malcolm R., his blood brother. Last week Malcolm changed his party affiliations. He announced that he stood for LaFollette. At once he was made State Treasurer of the LaFollette Progressives in New York. He explained his change.
"There is no difference between Coolidge and Davis. Senator Wheeler properly and correctly terms them the 'gold dust twins.' A moment's thought will convince every man and woman that they can get no relief from their present oppressive burdens from either, and a vote for a change--a new broom, so to speak --is a necessity.
"The press advocating the election of either Coolidge or Davis terms Senators LaFollette and Wheeler radicals, meaning Anarchists or Reds, as General Hell-and-Maria Dawes, Mr. Coolidge's running mate, terms them. These papers even go so far as to convey the impression that Mr. Dawes was a real General in the World War. He, as a matter of fact,* fought the World War in Evanston, Ill., his home town.
"All of the great men in the history of this country were the same type of constructive radicals in the interest of all of the people as are Senators LaFollette and Wheeler.
"The signers of the Declaration of Independence were constructive radicals of the same type. Most of these men were noted in the history of the Republic. Benjamin Franklin was a signer. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Harrison, two other signers, subsequently became Presidents.
"George Washington and his army were of the same type.
"General Andrew Jackson, the hero of the battle of New Orleans and afterward President, was of the same type.
"Abraham Lincoln and his followers were of the same type. . . .
"The downfall of Rome was caused by the same prostitution of government now seen at Washington. . . .
"I have been featured in the Re publican and pseudo-Democratic press, in declaring my advocacy of the candidacy of Senators LaFollette and Wheeler, as being a bolter from the Democratic Party on account of the treatment accorded my brother at the recent convention in Madison Square Garden.
"Since attaining my majority, I have voted for nine Presidential nominees. Six of my votes were cast for the Republican nominees and three for the Democratic. If I am a bolter, I am a bolter of both parties, and twice as much a bolter of the Republican Party as of the Democratic."
*General Dawes served overseas from July, 1917, until August, 1919. He was first a Lieutenant Colonel of the Railway Engineers and later promoted to Brigadier General; served on the staff of General Pershing as General Purchasing Agent of the A. E. F.